Monday 29 August 2016

Diving Report

In Inquiry we did a report on the olympics, I did mine on diving. :)

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What is diving you ask?
Well, diving is a sport which they use in the olympics where a competitor jumps from a diving board, a high platform above the water, and try to do the most impressive dive before they hit the water. Divers usually train for about 20-30 hours per week morning and afternoon sessions so they can be fit enough and decide what diving routine they would do. Sometimes divers can dive in pairs in a synchronised act.

What are some tips for diving?
-Don’t skip breakfast! Breakfast is the most important meal of the day because it gets you started, and it should give you energy to last until lunch.
-Stay hydrated 24/7! If you get dehydrated, you won’t be able to do diving, because when you get dehydrated, you can get weak and maybe feel a bit dizzy, you could also get sick with a bug.
-Don’t diet! If you diet, you won’t get enough energy, and you will be too tired to train, and if you don’t train, you can’t dive.
-Recover right! If you don’t recover properly, you will probably make a mistake and get disqualified because of an injury or just a cold that you had recently.

How would a diver get disqualified?
Some ways a diver could get disqualified are:
  • False start - at the start of a race divers must be positioned on the starting block, if a diver moves before the starting signal they will get disqualified.
  • Delays - You will get disqualified if you are not on the starting block at the start on the heat.

When did diving become an Olympic sport?
Diving was included in the olympics for the first time at the 1904 games in St Louis. At first diving was all aimed for the longest dive into the pool, now it's about the fanciest or how amazing the dive looks before reaching the water.

Diving became popular in Sweden and Germany in the 18th and 19th centuries. Diving was mostly practiced by gymnastes who started performing tumbling routines into the water.

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