Thursday 23 June 2016

My speech which I got into the finals in the Sheppard house comp!!!


Would you like to develop bad breath, wrinkled skin,
rotten teeth, heart disease, cancer and even die young?
Well then smoking is for you. Good afternoon Miss Fisher
and class. Today i'm here to tell you some of the things
smoking does to your body and to try to persuade you
never to do it. Firstly I'm going to tell you some statistics
surrounding smoking, secondly,  I will tell you about what
happens to your body when you smoke and finally say some
of the diseases and illnesses you can get from smoking.

Did you know that every cigarette you smoke reduces your
lifespan by 11 minutes and is a huge waste of money, I mean
like the average smoker spends $160 a week which is nearly
$8500 a year just on cigarettes! Another interesting fact is
people who smoke are 20 times more likely to develop lung
cancer than non smokers. Smoking, it is a harmful thing, it
makes the risk of a heart attack 200% to 400% greater than
non smokers. Smoking is currently responsible for the death
of one in ten adults worldwide and if current smoking patterns
continue, it will cause 10 million deaths each year by 2020.

Now I will talk about what smoking does to your body. Your lungs
can be very badly affected by smoking, Coughs, colds, wheezing
and asthma are just the start. Smoking changes your brain and
makes you addicted to cigarettes.
Smoking can reduce your your hearing and your vision, cause
gum disease and gives you wrinkles. Smoking also raises
blood pressure and puts stress on your heart; it makes your
blood thick and sticky and more likely to clot; it also increases
cholesterol in the blood and narrows the blood vessels. Smoking
also makes it very difficult to exercise, imagine that, starting
school being the best at sport, leaving school being the worst
all because you started smoking.

On this last paragraph I will be telling you some of the
diseases you can get from smoking. Some diseases
you can get are heart diseases including heart attacks,
strokes, poor vision, lung cancer, blood cancer, diabetes
and a whole range of other cancers are more likely if you

In order to lead a healthy life, you should not smoke.
The best thing to do is to never start because once you start,
you're addicted and it is very hard to quite. So if your mates tell
you try a cigarette, be the smart one, say no.

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